HEY!!! Look here!!!

Something exciting is about to happen!!!
My 100th Post!!!!
I'm having a contest!!!
Guess when the 100th post on this blog will be!
Prizes will be announced soon.
Here are the rules.
* Only cats and other non-human, not of my species friends with blogs or Catster ID.
* Only one guess per cat.
* No more than 4 guesses per household. If any household enters more than 4 guesses, only the 1st 4 guesses will count.
* Only guesses entered in the comments field of this post are eligible.
* It's my contest, so I can change the rules anytime I want.
* Once you guess, you cannot change your guess.
* If there is a tie, the guess that was submitted the earliest wins.
* If you do not enter am or pm, it will default to am.
* ENTRY DEADLINE: midnight April 15, 2008 CST
* Submit a guess in the comments field of this post in the following format:
DATE TIME am/pm NAME [link to your blog]
* All cats in a household can submit their guesses in a single comments post
For example:
May 4th 9:20am Daisy (http://daisythecurlycat.blogspot.com/)
May 5th 5:43pm Pixie (http://www.catster.com/cats/433461)