Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tummy Tuesday

Here it is!!!!!

My tummy!


Daisy said...

I like the white spots on your belly and chest!

The Crew said...

Very nice white markings! Have you considered joining my social group Coats of Many Colors, for bi-, tri- & solid color cats?


Wendy Hoke said...

Dear Sly,

Oh my! You are so handsome. Yes, I will be your girlfriend! Purr, Purr!

I will also talk to my pet human about her slackness in blogging!

Skittles, The Cat

Daisy said...

Congratulations Sly! Skittles is a wonderful cat.

Mr. Hendrix said...

woah, that is a great tummy! how have you been? my typist has been outta town so we're just catching up. concatulations on sweet skittles! she is a good lady cat.
love your man cat face pose from yesterday!

Just Ducky said...

Ohhh, white spots. That will drive the girls crazy. Also, I see you have won the heart of Skittles. Good for you and Skittles.

The Crew said...

Sly, to join
Coats of Many Colors
, just send me your biography and a picture of your handsome self. Once you're officially a member, I'll send you the html code for the membership badge to add to your sidebar.


P.S. Congratz on your new girlfriend Skittles. She's a real beauty!

The Meezers or Billy said...

that's a great tummy!