Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Strolling on a tuesday

No pictures from today. But I did go adventuring with my dad in my stroller. When Dad got home, he took me out to go to mom's work. Mom is a graduate student, so she has the summer off from school. But she is babysitting for two families with little kids. I met one of them today! She is a cutie, and 4 and a half years old. She was fun and VERY bouncy! She bounced from one side of the sidewalk to the other and came over to pet me every little while. She also called me "Slide" and told my mom "I like your cat!" So there ya have it. Little girls LOVE ME!!!


Christine and FAZ said...

I get a bit nervous around small humans, they sometimes get a bit rough and their pats are more like slaps on the head. I know they are only trying to be friendly but sometimes you can be "too friendly" if you know what I mean! FAZ

The Furry Kids said...

It sounds like you had a nice stroller ride. I'm with FAZ - little beans kinda scare me with all that tail pulling and such.


Daisy said...

Yay, you got to go strollering! Woohoo! I am glad you had fun, "Slide."

Lux said...

Wow, a stroller ride - it sounds like so much fun (even with the little bean).

Mr. Hendrix said...

it sounds like you had quite the adventure! sticky little people are ok as long as they don't pull anything.
Have you seen Skittles post today? you may want to take some ice with you...

Anonymous said...

My Dearest SlyCat,

I got your love note. You are such a good cat to be patient when your pet human has a little one around. I knew that something must have been a foot (oops... a paw).

I look forward to having you join in on the yoga classes. I will share my mat with you!



Monty Q. Kat said...

I don't mind my little beans, but I used to live with a Great Dane, so my kidbeans don't seem as bad.

Monty Q. Kat said...

p.s. Is Kon ever going to post again? I need to know my part in the world domination quest!