Thursday, January 8, 2009

Still waiting.

Well, we are still waiting for the "Jack" and Mom and Dad to get home. I have to let you know that I originally misspelled his name. (But it's hard work trying to help run a country as Skittles' V.P. and update about a BrotherBean all at the same time.) Anyway, his name is Jack Isaac, I misspelled his middle name. It seems that they will be home probably on Saturday. I'll try to post some pictures once I figure out what this thing is gonna look like. So I'm excited to hear all these fun noises that he is supposed to make.
Well, I'd better get back to business. Have a great Wednesday everyone!!!


meemsnyc said...

Oh, that is so exciting!! We can't wait to meet Jack!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

how exciting!!!

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on "Jack"! This is furry exciting!!!